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New Account

To start submitting your sales tax returns electronically, complete the following information and set up a user name and password. 

Any personal information collected is used within SalesTaxOnline.com to authenticate your account with the appropriate Taxing Authorities.  This information will not be disclosed or shared in any way with any outside entities without your explicit permission.

First Name: (Enter your first name.)
Last Name: (Enter your last name.)
Company:  (Enter the name of your company as it appears on your tax returns.)
Federal Tax ID (Enter your Federal Tax ID)
Phone: (Ex: 123-456-7890)
Fax: (Ex: 123-456-7890)

NAIC Numbers
State: (You must enter at least 1 NAIC Number)

Business Address
Line 1:
Line 2:

Mailing Address
Line 1:
Line 2:

Re-enter Password:

By clicking 'Next' you will agree to the following:

I agree that the sales and use tax returns I submit via IPTaxOnline.com shall be the legal equivalent of returns submitted on paper documents.

I agree that my user name and password will be the equivalent of my handwritten signature, as authorized by Louisiana Revised Statute 47:1520 and Louisiana Administrative Code 61:I.4905.

I am declaring that I am authorized to make payments from the bank account I will, or have entered, during the payment process of these transactions.  

I am authorizing a direct payment to the appropriate Taxing Authorities as specified in the payment process.

I understand that if the banking information I enter is not valid or the financial institution will not accommodate the direct debit transfer request, I will have to pay additional interest and penalties if a payment is not completed timely.


Office  8282 Goodwood Blvd Suite W-1, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Mail  P.O. Box 64968, Baton Rouge, LA 70896
Phone  225-215-0052
Fax  225-215-0090
Copyright 1999-2015  RAMware, L.L.C. - All Rights Reserved.